Breaking News : watch the film online !

After several screenings of the TV version on SBS (Australia), Kamahl has developped a wonderful Director's Cut of his film, "Collective Moments of Madness".
If you missed the screening at Hamburg's Independant Film Festival - no worries, you can watch it online :


Kamahl had received accolades for his work here, winning the ABC Library Sales Audience Award for best pitch at the 2008 DOCUumart, Australian International Documentary Conference.
For all enquiries please contact
Kamahl :

(click on the film to access Kamahl's Youtube, where you'll find his award-winning promo film version, and more of his work)

L'aventure de Camel odyssey arrive donc à une étape majeure, le documentaire réalisé par Kamahl étant diffusé sur SBS le mercredi 20 mai, à 20h30. Vous l'aurez compris, ce sera pour l'instant à la télévision Australienne alors... patience ! 


Antoine a immortalisé notre aventure par ses magnifiques photos (télécharger un échantillon de son travail au format ZIP- 4,1 Mo); pour tout renseignement, contactez le.
Antoine has superbly immortalized our adventure with his camera (download a sample of his work in ZIP format - 4,1 Mb); you may contact him at

L'équipe de la Camel Odyssey remercie
The Camel Odyssey Team wishes to thank

Nos guides et amis, Prakash Rajpurohit et son équipe.
Our guides and friends, Prakash Rajpurohit and his team

Dan Wright (lui-même un chamelier émérite) et Gavin, pour leur aide extraordinaire à un moment critique.
Dan Wrigth (a camel traveller in his own Wright) and Gavin - for their extraordinary help at a moment when we needed.

A Bikaner grands mercis à Kanwar Visvajeet Singh dit "Bubbles", le propriétaire de l'hôtel le plus accueillant de la ville et un vrai gentleman.
In Bikaner, many thanks to Kanwar Visvajeet Singh (a.k.a "Bubbles"), the owner of the most hospitable hotel in town - and a true gentleman.

Merci à tous les étudiants de l'Hôpital Vétérinaire de Bikaner.
Thanks to all the students of the Bikaner Veterinarian Hospital.